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Labor Endorses Dan Feehan

Pommella Wegmann
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Minnesota’s Labor Movement is proud to endorse Dan Feehan to represent Minnesota’s First Congressional District. The 75-member Minnesota AFL-CIO General Board voted unanimously to support Feehan at their meeting in St. Paul on Tuesday.

“Minnesotans value hard work and know our strength comes from the work we do and values we share,” said Pommella Wegmann, President of the Southeast Minnesota Area Labor Council and Minnesota AFL-CIO board member. “Whether you build roads and bridges, care for patients, teach the next generation, keep our government and social programs running, maintain our energy systems, manufacture goods, or provide hospitality services – there is dignity and value in all work. Dan Feehan shares our values. He has centered his campaign around a pretty straightforward principle – people first – and that’s exactly what the Labor Movement has always believed in.”

Feehan’s distinguished record of service in the military is something union members respect and relate to. When military veterans return home from service abroad, they are more likely to find family-supporting careers in construction or with the state or federal government. Correspondingly, it is these two areas of work that thousands of union members and military veterans across Southern Minnesota have chosen.

“If elected, I will not just protect, but further the Labor Movement,” Feehan said when meeting with delegates of the Southeast Minnesota Area Labor Council in February. Feehan has pledged to support the People’s Right to Organize (PRO) Act, a bill that would overhaul federal labor laws to level the field for working people. He also said he would focus on affordable healthcare, investing in our state’s infrastructure, and ensuring fair trade policies for Minnesota’s businesses and farmers.

The Southeast Minnesota Area Labor Council and the Minnesota AFL-CIO will be considering endorsements for state legislative and municipal candidates in the coming months. “No matter where we were born or what we look like, working Minnesotans understand that decisions made in Washington and St. Paul impact our jobs and families,” said Minnesota AFL-CIO President Bill McCarthy. “Candidates that carry the Minnesota AFL-CIO endorsement have demonstrated a strong commitment to supporting working people and protecting our freedom to join together.”

The Southeast Minnesota Area Labor Council is one of 500 state and local labor councils in the United States. They represent over 40,000 union members throughout Blue Earth, Dodge, Faribault, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Houston, LeSueur, Mower, Nicollet, Olmsted, Rice, Steele, Wabasha, Waseca, and Winona counties. The council’s mission is to improve the lives for working families by bringing economic justice to the workplace and social justice to our state and nation.